Saturday, March 3, 2012


Michael hasn't learned hand skills such as waving Hi/Bye, pointing or clapping... Until recently! It's still new and doesn't happen often but he is starting to clap! Most of the time I have to sit him on my lap with music going. Then I clap my hands, then his, then he will clap a little bit. Yesterday, while waiting for our tornado weather to occur, we went to the park. He was playing and running around and all of the sudden started clapping. Of course, Matt and I were too busy clapping with him and cheering and forgot to video tape it. I had to dig through my pocket to get my phone out, finally get the camcorder feature working and then catch the tail end of  the clapping.

We are so excited!

1 comment:

jeanette said...

Matt and your excitement about Micheal clapping is contagious. I am excited for Michael displaying a new, unprompted motor skill and I am excited for his proud parents. Pictures we don't capture on camera can still be captured in our heart.