Friday, January 27, 2012

Seizure Free Anniversary Dinner

Yesterday marked 2 years seizure free for Michael :) He was a big ol' grumpy butt yesterday :) So we elected to be lazy on the couch together as much as possible. Not a bad day! Tonight we went out to a place we were positive he'd find something to eat: Dairy Queen! He gobbled down a grilled cheese, a couple reluctant bites of apple sauce and thoroughly enjoyed his ice cream.

He had an Elmo ribbon that said "Hooray for me" on it. He was NOT interested in it at first!

After his sister modeled the ribbon some (and he got half a grilled cheese in his belly!) he was a little more cooperative.  Yay!

Elizabeth ordered a vanilla ice cream popsicle with chocolate fudge for Michael. He would not eat it off the stick but he had no problem chowing down on it when it came from a spoon!



Time to head home. He was pleasantly stuffed and ready to aim for another seizure free year!

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